Dear Deer
Dearest Deer: so blue and bright,
Through the blackness of the night,
Pierce your dreaded, azure eyes,
to me, from the middle of the road.
At first, these woods were yours, I know.
New Jersey’s put a street in, though.
It’s not safe to be standing here,
Smack in the middle of the road.
I would compare you to this winter’s night,
To me, you’ve both its cold and apathy.
You can’t be shaken by my Honda’s lights.
Dude, look, I just wanna go home.
Only if you could remember what I’d seen that bleak December,
Of your kind so many members wrought upon the stoney floor
Eagerly you’d wish to leave, granting me, at last, reprieve.
I won’t run you down to leave; I’ve no stomach for such gore.
Also, should your mighty antlers through my metal armor bore,
Mom would drive me evermore.