Dear Dad, thank you for the lesson.
Dear Dad,
Yes, you "Dad"
I thank you,
for the best memories, the giggles, tickles and laughs.
Although, being called 'Dad' should be a reward to being a good father,
i'll let you have it this one time.
Thank you for putting me on the right path, even after you took the left one.
See, I thank you for all that you are to me.
You were my first love
But if you were the only option, i'd still pick 'none of the above'.
I've learned that men like you don't fall far from the tree.
You extracted stupendous amount of hope from me.
Thank you for letting me teach myself to know when my skirt is too short,
and know how to change a tire, and ride a bike, and clean my scrapes.
I had situations of all sorts.
Those are simple lessons I've learned, from you.
But biggest lesson I've learned from you...would be to never love or look for a man who is anything like to you.
Never let anyone make me feel any less than I am worth,
make me have to choose them over my future,
have to walk on egg shells for someone who wouldn't walk for me.
You've kept me up long nights, kept me waiting longs days,
kept me from loving myself enough to learn to love someone else in the right ways,
Dad, you failed me, you forgot to give me a heads up.
Everything I learned, from you, I had to learn the hard way.
Now I know what it feels like to be forgotten, feel worthless,
feel incapable of doing what I aspire to.
I give it all to you.
Your love is like a cotton t-shirt,
no matter how many time I wash it,
those wrinkles and stains will never remove.
As much as I think I've got it,
I'll be the one who has to move.
Thank you for the lesson you've taught me,
I'll never forget it.
If you think you found everything,
just remember, you lost me.
- Your Daughter.