Dear Bully
you said i was too fat,
so stopped eating,
i wasnt hungry anyway,
you pushed me down today,
you said i deserved it,
i think so too,
you called me a slut in history,
i havent even kissed anyone,
i went home and cried for hours,
the next day you were different ,
you smiled at me and i smiled back,
then i opened my locker ,
your friends poured cow blood down my back,
i took 4 pills this morning ,
you still called me fat,
i took 3 more and skipped math,
my skin is pale and im dizzy but you didnt stop,
my dad was drunk today so he couldnt pick me up,
you followed me home,
i was scared so i ran across the bus stop,
so sudden the car couldnt stop,
1 or 21 pills it didnt matter that day,
all it took was one mistake for my heart to stop