Days Go By
Every year we get older
Every second we die
We don’t really notice how we waste time
Days go by
Day turns to dawn, as dawn turns to day
Why do we throw our time away?
If only we would appreciate the simple things in life
As we grow older we will soon lose the allurements of our old ways
People have grown up too fast
While I just want these good memories to last
We waste time searching and hoping to find something more, when it could be right at your front door
Yet we wait and wait
Now you’ve gotten older
You sit there and wonder why did I waste my time
Yet you still sit there
As the days go by
We only live once, and these moments will soon become memories
The older I become, the more it feels like time is slipping out of my hands
And it has hit me like a brick wall realizing that I will never get my childhood back
I’m as lost as a teardrop in the snow
I guess this is how we grow