A dark world:
Darkness engulfs,
clouded by despair.
Surrounding the peacefulness,
eroding it from within.
Discontent follows,
maddened by grief.
Unpleasantly distraught,
lacking true desire.
Deeply entrapped with pride,
the lesser happiness within descends,
Past the gates of hell,
into the true abyss of unhappiness.
Isolated deep within the darkness,
lost forever.
Flame cowers,
running from the hatred of darkness,
Descending past the never ending void,
of eternal damnation.
Testing us as if we know,
that the darkness stands menacingly.
Watching our every move,
testing what we have already done.
Cowering in the shadows of past events,
trying to discover our true trepidations,
But never to find them past the void of darkness,
left for us to stand and shiver,
At the fury it possesses.
What will shorten the madness of this dark world,
possibly bringing it back into the warm heat of the light.
Where it no longer must spend it's time,
wretched, just waiting for the end.
Possibly to a new time where life is inspired,
not the one we live in that is despair and discontent.
A world worth living in and improving,
instead of letting it wither into the world we see today.
A world not deprived of color,
that doesn't seem to have a dark side when the day ends.
Something to remember,
that isn't easy to forget because of the happiness it shared.
Just a world that is peaceful,
ascending into greatness...
Instead of the dark abyss we call this happy world we live in,
the world that is descending into madness and devastation.
Put an end to the darkness,
make the light that will guide this world into greatness,
Instead of seeking it from the world itself.
But in the end,
the never ending pit of selfishness has been dug,
And it is seemingly impossible to fix.
It has been done,
maybe one day we will learn it's not the end.
But until then,
It's been done and cannot be fixed!