Damn Demeter: (a woman scorned)
The babes of my breasts
have left the wombs of there mother's hollow and barren
In refusal of a world that no longer bears my fruit
With forests that fight for life deep within a fiery consumption
And seedlings that cling to mother Earth afraid of the smoky air above the ground
This harvest is NO good
And I starve and cry in the hunger of this world that I've raised
That I've praised and
Bathed in bountiful beauties
And now I yell and call
Taking form in the rhetoric of priests
Who preach of a dead world
COMING SOON in a place near you
In the eyes of scientists
spreading my GLOBAL WARNING
of this earthly warming
You could say that I am HEATED
Only seconds from being defeated
As my gifts are returned to me
Like wedding presents after an annulment
Like a neighbor's mis received mail
Like cooling rain on days
the children blindly wish to play
Even as the EARTH scorches beneath there feet
They called me Demeter and I was a god
And now I am known as nothing more
Than mother Earths fraud
And still the echo of my voice
rings true in the shouts of warning
Which echo over the ignorant
In the Angry texts hard pressed in ALL CAPS on the blinding screens of trolls
My leave grows more noticed
As the tides begin turning
As forest begin burning
Icebergs start melting
And cities are flooding
Changed by centuries of abuse
It will be in the final hour
On the day that ends all days
That I will still stand beside you
shall walk with you
May even hold your hand
But now I will be
Your reckoning