I am who I am no excuses.
My outer cannot my inner make.
Take away my sprinkles
Colorful and cute in design
I am still a cupcake
Sweet and rich and divine and wholesome to my core
But whole is not excluding the depth
The negative and positive
I have worked so hard to accept
What is life without struggle
Lips with no eyes
Ears with no mouth
To speak but not hear
To see but not speak
of course I speak metaphorically.
So many things I see and feel and cannot mend
I use art as a vessel to comprehend
This mad world, crazy place,
Saturday night, dance at the club
hopeful race
I stand in the mirror proud of who I've become
Standing on the shoulders of my parents
my ancestors my GOD.
By no means is this battle won.
I am a strong believer in love
And the gift of God's grace
The best things in life are free
A saying that I proudly embrace
Because it is true
When my physicalness is won over
By the hands of time
The ever moving clock
The man made concept
My looks that give such great importance
to those who knew me well decay
And me, the true me
will fall into a never ending sea
a tropical mist
an island of love
and light
and I will be eternally free
I truly believe.
Now I told you a little bit about myself
just touched the surface
Who could know everything
This surely wasn't the purpose
But as I said before
I'll repeat it once more
I am who I am no excuses
I am a cupcake
Whole, and sweet and virtuous ,
Sweet and rich and divine.