Crooked Spine
Crooked Spine
What does it mean when
One has a crooked spine
Besides feeling a decline
On my emotional insight
It’s a painful experience
Seen too late to be halted
The back endures a restraint
Hips thrust to the side in question
The muscles are unbalanced
One curved and one stern
In a puberty phase one-shouldered
I carried all the weight
Of a grey and pink backpack
Was feeling cool for minutes worth
The fear of no return and
an impotence of feeling
I can’t manage my health
What does it mean when
One has a crooked spine
Besides feeling that
straight poise is not a choice
The nerves of my hips
Don’t yet rest from the pain
All caused by bones that bent
I can’t seem to comprehend
How this will fix itself
If faith is hidden in a drawer patient
waiting to be worn at last
I feel bruises on my skin
Imaginary purpled
Where my thumbs have
tried to soothe the muscle
Are there truly miracles
God, please mend my body
This ghost of who I am
One day my spine
Will be straight and
I will cry sweet joy
In tears of solace