C.R.A.C.K. Addict
I’m an addict
I am addicted to the things
That are not good for me
But who isn’t right?
I’m addicted to those things sinful
To the flesh
My forbidden desires
Like big…fat…
Snicker bars
Because they’re my reward
When I’ve finished an assignment
When everything’s complete,
I tend to take it up a notch and
Get high off a BIG hit of
Yes, that’s right I said C.R.A.C.K.
Now I know that may sound a lil weird
And for those of you who know me,
Y’all probably think I’m on something
All day, everyday
But let me explain what
C.R.A.C.K. is
C.R.A.C.K. is
Addictions that
Keep my mind adrift
When you think about it,
We all take hits
Crazed thoughts play ring-around-the-rosy
Pocket full of posies and what’s of my heart
Become ashes and my body falls down
From the intense pressure
Of the life I’m blessed in
It’s true it could always be worst
But it’s different from the outside looking in
Ridiculed by the way I walk, talk, dress
Even the way I behave
It used to not bother me as much
However, battling a fuse so short
That it’s close to being nonexistent,
I’m fed up with some people
Taking me for granted by constantly using these
Addictions that I let consume my mind, body, and soul
Because I’m an addict of stress and worries
It’s in my nature to help those in need
Of the ATM, a shoulder to cry on
The dependable one, oh even better
That ride or die you can actually depend on
I’m an addict to anger
Because the battle between
Would I rather be feared or liked?
Sometimes have no real balance
Here’s a secret that I’m going to share with you
You just find that even level between
Anger and calmness
Called pissed off
Men you may not like this however, I’m going to say it anyways
I’m an addict to what I think is “love”
From those of you who claim you have a
Tree with two apples
When in reality…
It’s more like a sad twig with droopy lil leaves
Ladies, don’t laugh too hard just yet
Because some of us,
We’re addicted to “Ain’t-Shit-Niggas”
Because they get underneath and figure out our deal
Then fake a case so deserving of attention while
Waving the banner of “I’m different, I’m real”
In time, true colors are shown after the wind has blown
We’re just suckers for the dance of nature
We all got an addiction to being high on our dreams
Forgetting to return from Cloud Nine and
S.S. This is Your Ideal Self
Sometimes, instead of just doing
We just keep talking
About our addictions…
Mine, simultaneously, causes me to
Constantly think about my short fuse
That abnormally motivates me to go the distance
And my some of my haters and admirers
I say,
“Thanks for trying to imitate my greatness, now create your own and yes keep talking”
Constantly thinking about that maybe one day
I’ll look at my reflection and
I will see myself the way others do
Constantly thinking of the ones I wish
I never gave my fragile heart too
Learning from my mistake of
Allowing man to think that he had the power over me
Constantly going through an internal battle with
Myself because I am the blame for
Yet, another heartache which
Makes me an addict to not
Trusting my instinct of self
All of these thoughts
Keeps my mind adrift
The negative infects
The positive neglects
The thoughts centered on what I’m packing
Instead of what I’m lacking
Before you’re quick to judge my addiction
Just know that I am not the only
Addict in the room.
The first step is admitting
You have a problem
I am proud to say
“Hello, my name is Talaya and
I’m an addicted to
Addictions that
Keep my mind adrift….”