Cows Make the World Moove.
Their white life force we graciously take, and place in holy plastic/glass/carton containers,
For us to consume with our meals, or just on a whim.
Give praise to the cow that moos.
Their red flesh we ceremoniously carve, and place in packaged containrs of invisible sheets,
For us to consume as our meals, or simply for flavoring.
Give praise to the cow that moos.
Their dark gifts we begrundingly collect, and place in our gardens and land,
For us to produce what we will later consume, or for some burning.
Give praise to the cow that moos.
Give praise to the cow that provides for us all. Their lives spent, feeding us, clothing us, blessing us.
Without these great bovines of pure awesomeness we would be without order. For they are what guided us. Saved us. Carried us. They are the foundation of mankind, forever the benevolent creature that gives every last part of their beings to our benefit.
Give praise to the cow that moos.