COVID-19 (Christ Over Virus and Infectious Disease-from the book of Joshua)
The Media is headlining COVID-19 to strike fear
I'm here to headline COVID-19 to strike Faith
with a different acronym
Christ Over Virus and Infectious Disease
the number 19 will be change to 66
because there are 66 books in The Bible
i'll take the number 19, and transform to a verse using the numbers 1 and 9
comes from Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you says The Lord. Be strong and good courage.
Do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for Our Lord, Our God is with us
Wherever we go"
let's not live in fear
i also asked that during this midst of chaos
worhsip to the true and living God
with church doors shutting across the world
it is time for us to show that church has never been about the building
it's about the church The Lord built as a house of prayer on a rock
that represents the foundation of us coming together
but what is the great commission
to go out into the world, and disciple people
and preach the gospel of spreading the good news of Christ
pray for the broken world we live in
stop allowing folks to worship false idols like baal
whom afflicted pain by cutting themselves
go ask ahab in 1 Kings 18 verses 17-30
ask him how that turned out
God is getting our attention
are we listening? i am
so stop following actors where they don't even know you
follow the One that does know you
His name is The Father, The Son , and The Holy Spirit
aka God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit
God, You alone are worthy of honor, glory, and praise
With You, we can overcome every storrm
Heal those who are sick and protect those are not
Give us wisdom as we are going through the uncertainty
and touch the hearts of those in authority to make change
Strengthen your global church
Reveal to us how we can partner together to reach the needs of those around us
Calm all fears
Fill us with Your love, joy, hope, and peace as we continue to trust in You Lord
use this pandemic to pave the way for spiritual revival in our world
a spiritual renewal in our souls
In Your name Jesus Christ
we want Your glory, power, and healing to be on display
so that those who don't know You
can see your Glorious dunamis power
come Lord Jesus, come
to You be the glory. Amen!!!!!!!!!!