I just left Statistics and I am now on my way to my next class. I pass the dining hall and my stomach growls because I have not eaten breakfast and it is almost eleven o'clock. I look at my watch and start walking faster and as my pace increases so does my counting.
Typically I count how many steps I take in each square of the sidewalk, typically two or three, four is too many and one is not enough. However, today is different I am in a hurry and my steps are too messy. My next class begins at eleven so I must pick up my pace.
I arrive in class at my usual time, 10:57, this gives me time to sit in my usual seat and pull out all the materials I may need that day from my overly packed backpack. My friends keep telling me not to pack everything in it all the time, but I never know when I may need something and I refuse to forget any vital equipment for class.
I count the seconds and watch the second hand on the clock until my teacher walks in almost two minutes late. I am in the front row and I have my notebook, pen, book, and syllabus ready for class. It is now the seventh friday of the semsester, but you never know when the syllabus may come in handy.
I count the objects on my desk to remind myself that I have everything and to make sure that it doesn’t fall off my desk somehow or get stolen. Time seems to fly by in the class and I panic because I forgot to pay attention and missed the majority of today's content.
I count the students leaving the class before telling my professor to have a nice day and walking out the door. My professor and I share the same birthday, May 26th, which is five days before June, the month I was supposed to be born in. It is now 11:50, my next class begins at 12 and won't end until 1:45. Lunch ends at 1:00 so it looks like I won't be eating lunch today. I get to my next class early and wait as the rest of the class arrives.
I count the beats in each song we do as I tap my foot and fidget with my binder. My choir class is my favorite class of the day because it relaxes me and allows me to count without being questioned. It ends before I know it though and soon I am off to do homework and maybe find something to eat.
Now I am able to count my steps in each square again, oh how I've missed it. I must never step on a crack though because if I do I become angry as I try to decide whether to count that step as the previous square or for the next one. I reach my dorm before two o'clock and I take off my shoes. I get in bed and begin to do homework
I flip through pages of my text book counting each page looking for the information I need for today's assignment. I eventually turn to my phone and my pillow because my head hurts from thinking too hard. I rest for a moment while watching videos and reading posts that my friends back home made.
The seconds tick by and I seem to lose track of time. I check my watch and see that it is 6:45, looks like I missed dinner today as well. I pull out a cracker pack that I keep for days like this and crawl under my blanket one last time before I go to watch a movie with my friends.
I count as I brush my teeth and comb my hair
I don’t want to count anymore