The Cost to Change The World
She wakes up every day
Proud of what she's done
If only she truly knew
What has already begun
She always gets the grades
She always has the drive
If only she knew that her success
Would come at all too high a price
Parents, don't cry and weep for her
You wanted nothing but her success
Yet her heart, it just swells and feels the guilt,
with a strangle hold on her chest
Mom and Dad have worked so hard
To provide for their little girl
But little did they both know
She wants to change the world
She calls and e-mails frantically
In hope that someone hears her plea
But according to the government,
She doesn't show financial need
She's come so far to just quit now
But how can she keep going,
When colleges throw her to the ground?
All she wants is to make the world better
But the question is, will they let her?
America the beautiful, home of the brave and free
How can we get better, if you don't let your children succeed?
You preach to us the importance of education,
But get mad when we break out in peaceful demonstration
We all politely disagree with all these taxes and fees,
The system has put upon us
But, what gives you the right to not admit me?
When our protest was strictly autonomous
Our cries were silenced
Our wallets were emptied
And at the end of it all, we just get a degree
We all want equality, to be true and free
But the only way to get to that is if we ALL succeed
So, America, this land I love,
Why don't you love me and all I have become?
I want to make you better each and every day,
So I must ask you, why do I have to pay?