The Corner of the Street at Midnight
Everybody knows that is prohibited to walk by the corner of the street at midnight.Unless, of course, you want to be seen with them,Or work with them,Or hire them. Everybody knows who you may find at the corner of the street at midnight: The whores.And their clients.Selling and buying meat. Everybody knows what you need at the corner of the street at midnight:Boobs.And long legs.With a big assBut small waist.Or money-if you are the one consuming. Everybody knows why women are at the corner of the street at midnight:They are bitches.They like sex.They don't need money,They want to get laid. They have no family.And no friends.They could be working somewhere else.But they are bitches.They like sex.And getting paid for it by men.And risking their body and soul for a couple of bucks per hour. Cuz they are bitches.They like sex. They wanna get high and drunk.They are all the same.They wanna get money the "easy way".They are bitches for God's sake!They live of sex. Everybody knows you can find them by the corner of the street at midnight.Everybody knows that is prohibited to walk by the corner of the street at midnight.Unless, of course, you are a bitch.And like sex.