Life is a control
We hold the power over ourselves in our hands
But there’s no anytime use power button
Although there is that little button some people resort to
When they just can’t handle it anymore
For most though, life just…happens
There’s no pause button either
We can’t just put our life on hold expecting everything else to wait
No matter what, we have to keep moving
And though it may seem as if there’s a fast-forward button
It’s only our mind
In reality, we move at a constant pace
But when we enjoy and experience life, we lose track of time
A rewind?
A chance to go back and fix our mistakes
Take another path
We wish
But no way
Everything we live, experience, and do is set in stone
The only buttons we really have are channels
And those can change in an instant
Or take a lifetime
Sometimes we’re forced to change them
Sometimes the changes just flow together
Sometimes we’re stuck on a channel for awhile
We may even be living more than one
And what happens in our channels may have an effect on what goes on in other channels
Every channel is a new stage of life
Life may be a control in our hands
But the sources of control are limited and that much more important