Content Confinement
I am
Exactly what you want to see
I am
Everything that you’ve ever wanted for me
I am
The culmination of my mom and dad’s dream
I am
Sheltered by the branches of a willow tree.
I am
Passive and able to keep listening
I am
Able to break hearts, while my body feels clean
I am
In love with my job, not with Alynn.
I am
Within reason to stare at a screen
I am
Convinced that I will live long off of burgers and ice cream
I am
Worried about what others will think
I am
Not able to take off my shirt, should I ever swim in a stream.
I am
I am…not happy.
I am not
Able to leave my shirt on, should I ever swim in a stream
I am not
Worried about what others think
I am not
Convinced that I will live long off of burgers and ice cream
I am not
Within reason to stare at a screen.
I am not
In love with my job, I am with Alynn
I am not
Able to break hearts, while my body feels clean
I am not
Passive and able to keep listening.
I am not
Sheltered by the branches of a willow tree
I am not
The culmination of my mom and dad’s dream
I am not
Everything that you’ve ever wanted for me
I am not
Exactly what you want to see.
I am not
A prisoner, nor am I free
In this society that is so consumed with the opinions of others
I choose to be