They are listening, they are watching.
They are homing in on everything we do.
Why us, why are we the ones who have to go.
What evil conspiracy will come over this world we live in?
What must we do to overcome this entity?
Would we have to kill, run, or hide.
It seems like everything happens for a reason.
It seems things happen for a bigger cause.
Why did the Twins crumble into mere metal morsels?
Why does a leader get killed by an Oswald?
And did “The King” really die by the causes that they say.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this world.
Someone or something is pulling the strings.
It could be a secret order.
It could be someone you know.
Conspiracy is all around us.
Secretly, maliciously, cruel intentions that are created.
Are they for us, against us, meant for us, HUH! Really!
Watch out, look around, be mindful
A conspiracy can easily be formulated
And one could be created just for you.