Conquering Fears Leads To True Freedom
My fears used to
Stop me from being my greatest and achieving my dreams
All my life I was a people pleaser
I let what other people thought about me define who I am
So I would be popular and accepted by society
Originally I thought that was a talent of mine to please everyone around me
But later on I realized
I mistook it for talent when it really was an impairment
Once I finally embraced being my true self
And no longer caring about opinons of others
I was happier
I then learned that fear was all a mind game
Fear is a choice
You can choose to be fearful for the rest of your life
Or be courageous and to not let fear be the obstcale standing in the way between you and your destiny
Conqueer your fears
So you may be free
To leave your cocoon
And transfrom into a beauitful butterfly and fly out into the world