Complete Fragmented Fictions
- cancer regrows
- film the worst moments in your life
- killings happen on every continent
- the economy is wearing a wire
- feel like i woke up in a dream
- night mares are gridlocking lucid dreams
- do not think while sitting or standing
- tobacco is healthy
- flax seeds are full of THC and LSD
- Jericho, where is that show
- Fields of mice made a human pyramid
- Seeds are planted and psycho pathogens are born
- Do not drink another persons blood
- never end a sentence with a period.
- ghouls are not counted in the census
- farming is illegal
- oil was found in babies blood
- boil your bottled water
- my journey to the sun through the uterus
- fresh meat is on your body spoiling
- plastic gears glued to metal parts
- real world fakery
- whilst the white holy hope
- fear makes you stronger
- your body heals, fall down some stairs backwards
- 3, 2, 1, your reborn into darkness like a star
- poetry is the everlasting nuance to decadence
- a flat line means your free
- i hope and pray nothing happens to you, ever.
- every person has 3 lives.
- hillside bombing
- roadside partying
- hollywood why hollywood why
- why aren't numbers used to spell words
- if this is the end then i wish you the shortest of deaths