I remember the comets
The day my walls fell—
Crooked as my reality
Crumbles into a rubble
I felt choked as
Fate’s hand throws dust
Into my eyes blinding
Me—from seeing the comet shower he
Promised I could enjoy.
I had never seen fallen comets
Or shooting stars,
Nor had I experienced the heartbreak
Of seeing the sky shine bright with a sunset
As the flash of colors usually marks Indepedence
On the fourth day—working into beautiful balls
Of explosion—I was nine
And wanted to see shooting stars—
I never saw them at night—
I saw flying comets and broken castles
Charred in the flames of
I remember sitting in my chair, waiting.
1+1 = 2
2+1 = 3
3+1 = 4
4+1 = 5
before the comets
seconds before I
knew fear
I saw my personal soldier, my
Bodyguard run into my classroom,
Embodied in fear as
My comets came that day.
I was nine and I wanted
To make a wish
Upon these fallen comets as the smoke
And fire burn my memory.
I was nine as my wishes came
True, but my wish turned into
A prayer written and
Folded into closed hands—clenched—
Cleansed by the tears of fear as Fate
Permanently blinded more people from seeing
The comets fly as a beautiful
Meteor shower.
I remember the comets—