College is harder than I expected

College is harder than I expected.
I was excited to attend, ready to get out on my own and succeed
Now I don’t know if this is where I’m supposed to be
I’m afraid of making the wrong choices, of growing up and becoming an adult
What if the major I’m taking is not the right one?
Am I in here for me? Or for my family?
The people who love me the most and who are struggling so that I can be here
Am I wasting their time? Their money?
I don’t know what I want to do with my future
When I was younger I thought I did.
Now that I’m older, and adulthood is coming closer I find myself not as confident as I once was.
Do I stay and allow God to lead me down the path that I’m destined for?
The question is moot, leaving is not an option.
I will not disappoint my family, and I will not disappoint myself
I am stronger than my fears, my many questions.
If nothing else I need to be a role model for the others; the younger generation, my brother, sister, and cousins.
College is a lot harder than I expected.



So many people can relate to this poem, because, yes, college is usually more difficult than we expect it to be, but we have to remind ourselves that it will get easier if we push through. It's wonderful how we can use poetry to write about what we truly feel, and often others feel the same way we do. Keep writing, and if you are interested in writing about goals and accomplishments, or just other fun types of poems, check out "poetry writing tips" in the "resources" section of the site!

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