The Close-Minded Trap the Young
Trapped in a shell
She's clawing to get out
But no one can tell
She makes sure, without a doubt.
Father would be enraged
That's why I keep her caged.
If you differ in opinion,
how can you be his minion?
Hour by hour
I try not to cower.
Day by day
Just a month past May.
I think what he thinks
I like what he likes
A copy
A duplicate
Just the offspring
It's dreary, it's dull
And I need to get out.
My age will determine
when I let her about.
I will affirm my own thoughts
I will be in control.
There will be a cost.
I will take the toll.
So I'm here in wait
in my shell.
Plotting patiently
Living in hell.
When June strikes
the curtain will rise.
The audience will awe
and I'll have all eyes.
They will know me for me
And not my father's shadow.
I'll go about with glee.
Break out of this life that's been real callow
Till I reach June things will remain.
So be paitient audience,
He won't always be king.
Here from my shell
I bid you goodbye,
only time can tell,
till I can set off and can fly.