Clarification Required
Dear God,
I can see my whole face in the pupil of my eye.
I can eat a whole piece of my mom's pumpkin pie.
I can handle a handlful of the diamonds in the sky,
but why try when we're all just gonna fly
out into the universe?
Entropy's a bitch and she's leaving all my feelings hurt.
I just wanna live in a buckskin teepee or yurt,
growing my life from the warm lumpy dirt
ever since I was just a little squirt,
peeing in my pants and drooling on my shirt.
For what it's worth
I've never lived in dirth.
My mom was homeless for a while
but I've always had a hearth in front of which I could perch
to fend off winter's cold curse.
Which is worse - to grow up comfortably,
or face adversity first?
Mom tried raising me Quaker but I've always hated church.
Sitting silent for an hour,
though I scoured my mind,
I never felt the Lord's presence,
maybe you were offline.
A divine intervention
in the broadband connection.
I always strive for perfection
but I usually quit before I've learned my lesson.
Now I'm left guessing
if I ever got Your blessing.
Yours truly,