Christmas or Greed
That time of year again
everyone says the year of giving
great question is do the give to the people who are in need ?
Black friday everyone wants the best of best
they want more and more never happy with what they have . . .
while a block away from where there is living a homeless under bridge
saying there lazy they just do not want to work
insted of helpping that homeless they convice them self that they are doing good by not helpping them
They just want to be happy with them self but inreality they cheating them self
Christmas is about giving to those in need
not spoiling a 4 year old
We us humans that know better should raise 4 year olds to learn to give to those in need
We should never expect anything in return, give because it makes you happy
Stay humble . .
I know this is not a peom
but i just want my voice to be heard
to see reality of how slefish humanity is. . .