I often took walks down the long, open road
To savor and cherish the nature I saw
Of beautiful scenery, among it had been sowed
By the aged house of my dear old grandpa
I would frolic through fall leaves, enjoyed hearing them crunch
It was the flora and fauna and a natural hunch
The wind through my hair and the feeling felt rare
Generating the arena of an early morning paradise
Steam sizzled up from its river and graced its flow
And spread to soften the beginning of snow
Creating dew drops like tears on a newly mowed lawn
Embracing a lung full of the first crack of dawn
The continuous hiss of a diminishing campfire
filled my ear drums
sung a song in my heart
painted a smile on my face
told me the power of mother nature’s grace
So I kept taking walks down the long, open road
To savor and cherish the nature I saw
Of the beautiful scenery, among it had been sowed
By the aged house of my dear old grandpa
During summers I’d visit, in the rolling hills I would hide
Grandpa’d teach me how to fly a kite
Oh, how it would glide
It made me think that if others took time to see what I saw
They’d watch and whisper and wonder in awe
When I’d lay on the prickly grass
Resting on the tip of nature’s toothbrush
The sensation of the soft greenery shaved the skin off my body
The slight breeze chilled my bones and exposed my core
So the rest of my body lay in complete harmony
With the loveliness of the earth I adore
But then sales increased
And then the visiting ceased
The woods were cut down
The size of my jungle decreased
The land a part of a new vision
Receding to a business occupation
So no longer could the trees whisper thoughts in the breeze
No longer could I hear the leaves crunch secrets near my ears
But I remember
I remember, when I took those walks on that long, open road
To savor and cherish the nature I saw
On the beautiful scenery, among it had been sowed
By that aged, old house of my dear old grandpa