The Chemist

The Chemist’s Prologue 

There was a Chemist, an honorable man

With three children that weren’t his biggest fans

This man wore blue and white windbreaker pants

Not too big, not to small with little slants

Allover.Ripped blue shirt with white writing

Spelling his team’s name that’s worth naming.

He was not tall, yet not that short, average.

His shoes were too big for his size and age.

Has a big head, black hair, a cricked smile,

But his belly is so big he can’t run a mile.

He is very nice but will not think twice.

He is very smart with cards and some dice.

The Chemist has knowledge and finds his way

That he will make sure you will have to pay.

Black Nike shoes, the laces are untied,

He always reties them along the side.

His round and cracked circle glasses remain

Without them he is still able to aim.

He is light skinned with a scraped dirty face.

He had built a small, but nice hiding place.

He is a man that knows how to survive

And is pretty sure he will stay alive.


The Chemist’s Tale

For so long I have known this young Housewife 

With three children, all hers, starting a life

With her newly wedded husband, likewise

She made sacrifices, she had to advise

Her family about living her life 

Apart from the U. S. Air force. A wife

That lives for the better, moved to Cali

Without any knowledge from Kentucky.

Happily married the family seemed

They did not know that the mother had schemed

With a friendly coach who she loved to meet

At night, at a bar, it was yet too neat.

Excuses were made to keep it away

From public’s views, but she wanted to stay

The night. The housewife stayed there that night

And her husband went out to find her that night. 

Knocked on the door, the scene of an affair

Was exposed. He could not believe or share

With the alcohol in her system she 

Began to plea, but he could not foresee

Her actions.The housewife quite lost her mind

But to him, her reasoning’s were declined.

She lost her house, her husband, and her boys,

Not her daughter, which is what she enjoys.

She did not have a place to live or go,

Only place to go was back to the foe,

Which he had three children and one grandchild.

The Housewife lived in guilt. Her problems piled.

Not much for her to do, but live a while

And take care of her child with a fake smile.

Then she opened up and began to bare

With her choices and opened a daycare.

Her daughter could not deal with more pain

Although, she has so much that still remains.

There is no way to take it all away

The housewife just wanted to make her day.

All she wants to do is please her baby

But her baby just leaves her at maybe.

She regrets and changes her entire life.

When the time is right she is a better wife.

No one can judge, because she is changing

Then she had stopped people from complaining.

The Housewife learned that life is not easy,

Her entire life has become uneasy. 

The years went by, though her struggle was real

That did not stop her to learn how to deal.

The daughter began to forgive her deeds

The mother wanted to fulfill her needs.

All she has is what makes her feel complete. 

For once she is able to take a seat.

Once the games stopped, the guilt began to cease.

The Housewife learned how to live in peace.  




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