Changing Shapes
Change Shapes
I wonder what water thinks when it flows across land
Bouncing off rocks, branches, and other droplets of water
But why does water even decide to form collectives?
Are rivers, creeks, and streams there to make water feel safe
and not alone?
It falls down into a puddle which widens and rips through land
to make a gushing river
To be together
and not alone
People are brothers of water
Husbands and wives
A house to make us safe and collected
Finding someone you are cohesive with
To be together
And not alone
Sometimes we act a little bit too much like water
Changing ourselves for other people’s amiable feelings
You hope that rearranging your tendencies like how water rearranges itself to fit into a cylindrical container will make you fit;
fit in
To not feel alone
You hope this will be refreshing and cool to that person’s tongue you twisted your bones to mix with
But your new shape comes up to the sides of the container you were condemned to
A drop slips over the edge
And then your whole being rushes out
You hesitate for a moment,
hoping the door to leave stays open
You leave without a coat and feel the rain
You are so much more than what this person made you out to be
And you no longer worry about being a cylinder or square