Change me, Save me
Lights! Camara! ACTION!
You don't have to be an actor, for your workplace to be a stage.
Just give me a desk and a computer and I'll show you my magic.
Dreams have a way of creeping out into reality.
The only one who can pursue that dream is YOU!
This job will change my life.
This job will save my life.
All my life I've heard them say:
"It's called a dream job for a reason
It's just a dream; it's not real."
They look at the girl in front of them and say:
"She'll never make it in the real world.
It's a career for men, not women..."
I want to Stop! that steriotype.
I want to be that 17% of females
What is this?
Call me a nerd, geek or whatever else,
your sorry little brain can think of.
But I want to be a scientist,
a computer scientist!
This job will change my life.
This job will save my life.
Inspire. Teach. Show.
I want to inspire girls to pursure their dreams.
I want to teach them that they can do anything.
I want to show them the benefits of their talents.
I can show their talents to the world
All I need is to show them what I have overcome.
This job will change my life.
This job will save my life.
I've ignored the comments
I've thrown away their words
I've put it all behind me
so I can be happy with my choices.
Afterall, "happiness is the key to success"
I don't need fancy cars, a nice house, or all the money in the world
The joy in in my heart making my chest warm,
is enough for me.
The obstacles aren't intense enough
to impede my stampede of thoughts
and wants for this dream to come to life.
This job will change my life.
This job will save my life.
Fast forward 15 years.
Travel the world.
Make a difference.
That is my dream.
Even if I'm not coding or pragramming,
I want to make a difference.
If all else fails, I'll know that this wan't
All for nothing.
Pursuing the dream alone,
has changed my life,
and made me stronger.
This job will change my life.
This job will save my life.