Change Love

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 11:22 -- Quetta1

Words that are meant to heal are now harming,

"I love you" he said yet he left you when you needed him the most.

"I love you" she said only showing it when you shower her with gifts.

"I love you" they said yet they judge you every chance they get.

The smallest the thing could make you feel as if you've failed the whole world.

What happed to saying "I love you" to make someone's heart to warm instead?

"I love you" thats what I said every little wrinkle in your forehead, how your eyebrow rise when you get upset, how you arms wrap against mines when we're near.

"I love her" he said with tears on your face, her who?

"I love him" she said said with anger in your heart, him who?

Change love, love only that one who loves you.

Never settle for less change love to heal not harm, change love from me to you.

It's time, EVOL to LOVE if you don't understand love harder.


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