how can we change the world if we don't change ourselves
Change starts from within, starting with me, one day at a time
Giving, forgiving, reaching, ediucating and I’m
Changing the world i live in
I will change one element of my life, one thing at a time
The physical me will grip the hand of the needy, sharing what I have, pulling others up from despair, but more so, one must help oneself
And I will change the world i live in
The mental me will reach out to mind-starved youth and show them avenues other than lenox
And I will change the world i live in
The social me will be mindfully caring, spirited, outgoing befriending those to come out of their shell, welcoming to all.
And I will change the world i live in
The emotional me will laugh with those who need laughter, bring joy to one's hearts, and grieve with those who suffer that will overcome advsersity
And I will change the world i live in
The spiritual me will relax and leave it all in god's hands, giving in all the glory
And I will change the world ii live in
but i do have a question
how can we change the world if we don't change ourselves?
think about that