A change


United States
28° 34' 58.998" N, 81° 31' 36.2208" W

I looked in the mirror and hated what i saw.
I looked to my friends and envied for what they had
Ran to useless things that gave me no fulfillment.
Knowing something is wrong and still doing it.

Society tells us whats perfect.
Boys foolishly encourage it,
It makes us look at our self to closely.
Hating what we see and what others have.

Our body's are temples but we over think it
We end up only seeing what we see.
Only hearing what few say not others.

Every person is beautiful.
Every person is full of light.
But one false comment.
One mean look.
Can cause questions in our self's to build up.

I thought i could never change.
I felt like a shadow behind my on insecurities.
But he found me and showed me who i really am.
How beautiful inside and out i was.
That no one else could tell me i wasn't just because of my body.
Now I am changed and tell others that a body is a body.
It doesn't make who you are.


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