Can I Be A Follower

Can I be a follower

Not a fan

Can I pay the price

Give everything for you


Risk losing my family, friends, status

Is this what I am call to be

The Heavenly Fathers servant

Am I worthy


With your guidance I will not fail

I will be your messenger

You will be my one and only

Because I have heard you calling my name


I will be worthy

I will be enough to change the world

Because I have chosen to hear you call my name

I will not ignore your call


I will follow you to the ends of the earth

When you ask me to jump to prove my love

I might hesitate, and ask you why do I have to

But I will jump because you love me and you help me to fly


When you ask my why I am choosing to follow you

I say because I want your love

Because you are my everything

Without you life is meaning less


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