I'm mourning you,
except you're not dead
I am
I must be
How else would I have lost a family?
Whole families don't die together,
and yet, I lost you and yours
So, I must be dead.
I'm six feet under
Six feet of packed earth
How else could I become so lonely?
I must be buried
I must be.
That's it
Nobody can get to me
They miss me
I am missed
I must be?
They're digging, and I'm digging
How does a corpse dig?
Scratching and scratching and crying
I'm digging alone
Nobody's coming for me
I'm desperate and clawing at the dirt,
but I must be dead
I must be.
Why else would they have buried me?
I want them to come rescue me
They must be getting closer now
My eyes are full and my face is hot
I'm waiting and watching and waiting
They're not coming
They buried me and left.
I must be dead.
They wouldn't bury someone they love alive.
They love me.
I might be wrong,
but I can't be
So, I must be dead
I must be.