

United States
47° 29' 19.194" N, 122° 17' 43.8756" W

You walk past me in the halls
You make fun of me because i'm not "popular"
I don't wear name brand clothes, but i dress nice
I'm not skinny but i'm chubby
You look down on me because i'm not one of you
I may not play sports, but i'm good at them
I may not run fast that's because i have back problems
I may not talk a lot because i'm depressed
But ill smile and say i'm okay
I hold it in and act like i don't care
But i'm the one that comes home crying everyday because it hurts
I want to go shopping and buy expensive clothes
But i can't because i don't have a lot of money
I'm grateful for what i own
I use to have a lot of friends they left me, things changed
I sat alone at lunch
But if someone, anyone gave me a chance
They would see that I'm so fun to be around
I can tell jokes and make anyone laugh
I love to play sports, go shopping and be fun
I'm a bright person.
If only...
If only you gave me a chance..
But instead, you don't...


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741