Before The Bullets Flew
*I wish Trayvon and Jordan were names I never knew. If I could, yes I would, rewind the tape to before the bullets flew.
*I’d stop and reflect on how it came to be. These teens each one - black just like me.
*I'd rewind some more to the laws in that state that were made by people filled with such hate.
*I'd look in the eyes of lawmakers there and question a law so wrong and unfair.
*How a teen walking home with Skittles and tea could be the "threat" that they claimed him to be. How a teen in a car with the music too loud ended up a "threat" to some Stand Your Ground.
*Where’s the outrage? The marches? The demand for repeal? Is anyone out there? Mayor? Governor? Does anyone care?
*Thank God I don’t live in that Sunshine State! The land of Walt Disney, the land of black teen hate!
*The irony, the contrast, the Jekyll and Hyde. I pray, yes, I pray for the madness to subside.
*If I could I would go back to before the bullets flew. Before the world for black teens turned so black and blue.
*Before Trayvon and Jordan died. Before each ones parents cried.
*Before black families in the Sunshine State had to fear every time their black teens came home late.
*I wish Trayvon and Jordan were names I never knew. If I could, yes, I'd rewind the tape to before the bullets flew.