I remember when we were just kids,
Tiny little things with heads full of dreams.
Late nights you’d climb through the plastic shelf that
Separated our beds, and it felt like something magic.
When Mom left, and when
Dad was impatient and
We had each other.
I remember when it was just the two of us.
Riding bikes and jumping on the trampoline in our
Backyard. Somehow it didn’t matter that it was filled with
You were there the day I learned how to whistle;
I was so excited.
You let me dress you up, and I didn’t need a sister because
I had you,
The best brother I could have asked for.
Then suddenly Dad remarried and
it wasn’t just us,
and things weren’t always
So perfect. We fought like siblings do.
You were always wild, and the impulses tugged at my heart.
Did I follow you, or berate you?
All I could do was love you, even when
I wanted to hate you.
You were Mom’s baby, and I’ll admit
I was jealous. You fought to get your way, and
I gave in.
That’s what big sisters do, right?
And even when we shared a bed and I kicked
Your legs away, I still loved you.
In the summers, it was just us again.
We grew up and drifted further apart.
Life got in the way.
Most days, I was there when you wanted me.
The times were rarer, but now I think back and smile.
I complained when we fought zombies,
Side by side.
You were there in the darkness, and we could be scared
It felt like more than a simple game.
Walking at midnight to Maverick
Was our last great adventure.
Sure we’ve had smaller ones since that night
Two summers ago, but nothing quite so
The dark was only exciting because
I was with you.
Cheap energy drinks were like gifts from the gods when
Tip-toeing past a haunted house.
I’d give anything to go back to that night.
You’ve gotten wilder since then,
Little brother.
So much wilder, and I can't help
But be scared.
You don’t need me, or hardly ever
Want me.
But I’m here.
Always here.
And I treasure the moments we talk,
When I still feel like
Your friend.
I miss you, with a terrible ache in my
No matter how old we get, you will always be
My baby brother.
You have always been with me;
The only constant,
And I pray I’ll never lose you.