Broken Heart and Unanswered Questions
When I close my eyes, I see you with your arms wrapped around my waist: I feel loved.
I open my eyes and then I come to reality that things are not what they seem.
It was December 26, 2014 when I lost one pivotal person in my life. You sent your condolences and than four days later you disappeared off the face of the earth.
You claimed that you would be there, you claimed that you cared, you claimed that you loved me, but I can see that you claimed my heart just to break it.
How could you play with my mind, my feelings, and my heart?
I sit and write anonymoous poems about you as if you still care. I sit and think about the would of, could of, should of's as if you would still care. I think about all the reasons of why I am in love with you as if you still care.
I look toward the sky for some type of comfort to ease the pain of a heart broken so young. You said I deserve the best. Sad part is I thought you were the best.
So inspite of what you may think I deserve I loved you. For a month, I longed for you. I wanted to see you and hear your voice, but maybe that was apart of your master plan.
You wanted to make me fall for you to play your silly little game. You got my heart just to break it.
Emotionally, I've hit rock bottom. I look at every young presentable man and see the scars you've given me.
Sometimes I fathom if love is still real. That old-timey love as in if you get married you stay married. I guess thats just a dream like you.
My mind constantly has to tell my heart if he cared he would've been here so don't dwell on the pass, focus on your future.
The question my heart asks my mind is why am I broken?
My mind can't fathom that answer.