A Broken Heart


United States
42° 26' 32.8272" N, 87° 50' 42.5508" W

They’re still here,
Those feelings of love for you.
Do you remember?
I do.
I thought they were gone.
But they are not!
Every time I try to forget, they keep coming back to haunt me.
This agony I feel, it makes my heart burn in torment!
That special connection we had.
Where did it go?
Whenever I see you, that feeling returns.
I want it back!
It was my fault it ended, and it broke your heart.
I know!
Please forgive me!
Sometimes when I think about what I said to you in those harsh words.
I say to myself,
“How could I be so blind?”
“I’m a complete fool!”
To see what I had, and then let it slip away!
That friendship and…that love.
I know it still burns within you!
I see it in your eyes whenever you stare at me.
A broken-hearted stare.
You must hate me for what I did!
I ripped your heart from your soul.
I’m sorry.
If only things would have been different.
If only!
My heart is broken too; I feel and share your pain.
I long for that day when you will hold me again,
Your arms holding me tight against your warm body.
If that day ever comes.
Will it?
I wish I knew!
I miss your phone calls,
The sound of your voice laughing at my jokes.
We slowly drift away from each other.
Our hearts have been cut in half.
Split apart forever.
Never to be together again.
Now what happens?
Am I left wondering?
Will we ever share our friendship and love again?
Or will it just be you and me,
Nothing more than casual friends?
I want things to change, but do you?
People always say things work out for the best.
I don’t believe them!
I wish you were the best!
No! You are the best, but I didn’t see it.
I only saw the bad and the wrong you caused me.
If you ever read this you will know how much I regret what I did to you.
My feelings never truly left.
Even though I said they did.
I was scared at what the outcome would be.
I just want you to know that I love you still.
If you feel the same you will know exactly what to do.
Forgive me!
Goodbye, my love.


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