Bring on the Confidence
I’m not afraid to be myself
Because I know that anyone, but me doesn’t feel right
I have found my previously hibernating courage
Now my confidence shows
I walk with my head up high
I’m not afraid to look people in the eye
I move to the best of my abilities
Now I am seeing all my possibilities
I dress my own style, which I think is cute
If people don’t like, then I don’t give a hoot
I know that I look as good as they say
Because I think the same thing now, every day
I say what I think, because my opinions matter
If people don’t want to listen, then they should just scatter
I fight for what I truly believe in
And as long as I still believe, I’m always going to win
I follow my instincts, which cannot be wrong
People always feel the need to “belong”
I know in my heart that I will make the right decisions
Choices do not have to be made with precision
I care for others, like I always do
People who are my friends, already know me through and through
I like this relaxed state of feeling free
But most of all, I like being me
I’m not afraid to be myself
Because I know who I am and who I want to be
I have the courage inside and outside
Now my confidence shines