You’re on the outskirts
Unsure of your place
And it seems as though there’s a wall
Impossible to break down
Cutting you off completely
We’re inside and we have no worries
Only caring about us
Thinking about how great it is to be us
You’re not even an afterthought
You’re just invisible
You see that you could never be like them
They’ll never let you
You can’t come close enough to even try
These walls they’ve built are in place for you
For people like you who dare to try
Who dare to break them down
You’re different and you thought it was okay
Differences are good, right?
But not this time
In this place, differences make you weak
You’re less than them
We’ll tell you that you don’t belong
You aren’t like us
Even if one of us thinks you’re cool,
They wouldn’t dare speak to it
That’s just not how it works here
So you go and drift along
A stranger to yourself
Alone and waiting for something to hold on to
Anything that will hold you down
Something that will love you
And that one friendly face
Who didn’t care about the whispers
Who dared to defy
Who took a step towards you
Lighting up your entire body
There was another big wall
But this one wasn’t complete
It had a bridge
And there was sunlight across the way
They welcomed you with a heart so big
We’ll wonder how you got in
The system must be broken, right?
How could you ever be here
Who told you that you belong here
It certainly wasn’t us
You’ll think how lucky you are
And you’ll thank that friendly face
You’ll tell them that they saved you
They’ll be confused
How could they have saved you?
Cause for them, building bridges is just natural