Breath's Refrain
A rush enters like a veiling curtain
Of cascading water;
A vaporous fall, endlessly joining
Aqueous substances below.
Descending from a starlit heaven,
How could my heart retain
What the mind so freely extends?
I watch it contrast against the indigo
Kissed innumerably by shimmering silver.
I cannot be still while these hands explore
Every inch surrounding me,
Reflecting an assiduous mind.
I breathe deeply.
Night gives way to day,
As light quietly filters
Through glass-covered apertures.
Silence sits across the table,
Staring at me with penetrating eyes
While I consume imaginings
From a plate of emptiness.
The nothingness provided
Sustenance for conversations
That gently bent the fabric of dreams,
Revealing to me that beyond
My haunting solitude
Waits a unity only to be felt
With each pulsation of the heart.
And deeply I breathe.
I stand in the doorway
With wide, absorbing eyes.
Frost covered flowers smile
As the sun leans to embrace them,
Unfolding each petal in cyclical union.
Something awakens in me
To equalize the acute stillness
Of slumbering entities,
Exploring the unknown regions
Of active, subconscious minds.
Dreamers, what are you dreaming?
I breathe deeply.
Every high that would conceal me,
Now in sobering contrast
Manifest as echoes from past and future lives.
I cannot escape myself.
I step outward;
Physically, metaphorically;
Into the morning chill,
Stinging and clinging to my skin.
Music fills the air as she speaks.
This healing, revealing moment,
More painful and pleasurable
Than anything I have yet known
Reciprocates the tides of the universe.
And deeply I breathe
Day gives way to night.
I stare into a ceiling
Mirroring a bed of discontent
Until heaviness deepens my thoughts
And I slip into unconsciousness.
Ah, the pathways of this mind
Follow the mental footprints,
Enticing me with sighs and laughter.
A rush enters like a veiling curtain
Of cascading water;
A vaporous fall, endlessly joining
Aqueous substances below.
Cleansing light absolves me
From the mark of time
As she whispers an inquiry,
"Dreamer, what are you dreaming?"
I breathe deeply.