When we first locked eyes that summer afternoon,
You left me, in the most innocent sense, breathless.
I knew that I would fall in love with you
And I thought it was worth the risk.
You revealed yourself to me, taking me on a rooftop
You led me home and we shared our only kiss
On that night I accepted I was in love with you
You left me, in the most beautiful sense, breathless.
Your true colors showed under the Christmas lights,
You abandoned me and I realized you aren't all the best.
Despite your cruel ways, I was still in love with you,
You left me, in the most heartbreaking sense, breathless.
I sat in a park, miles away from your embrace,
Noting we're as similiar as a chain linked fence.
Held together, yet sperated, allowing people to come between us
You left me, in the most painful sense, breathless.
Now it's 2:55 a.m. and gasps escape my lips, sobs held in,
as I grip my tosso to dull the pain, lying on the floor a broken mess.
You're still fine, and I'm still in love with you, stupidly
You've left me, in the most shattered sense, breathless.