the brain is a university bedroom
the brain is a university bedroom
adorn it how u want
scatter memories like golden fairy lights
circling the sloped ceiling
look how they flicker until
they are reduced to a soft glow
of something u once saw so vividly
personality; a pretty picture
pinned by its four corners onto the walls
(careful now, we want the deposit back!)
let the cobalt and sharp reds
cut through the cream
unruly thoughts may lie in the washing basket
if only u had the time to fold them away
to encase the duvet and pillows with fresh perspective
and sleep on it for good measure
open the curtains and watch
the sunlight parade its way inside
feel its warmth and dance with it around the room
ow! my foot!
—mind the table
photographs to make u tearful
if u concentrate, they’ll come alive
tiny friends say hello and remind u they care
u already know this
they always blow the cigarette smoke away from ur face
but the lease draws to a close
wrappers litter the carpet and
perhaps it’s time to hoover
scrub down the skirting boards
til ur skin peels and stains with white
pack it all in the car;
this room was always gonna be temporary
but why does it feel like
u’ve left behind
more than just a bed, a cupboard and a desk?