Boy Meets Girl
Dear Boy,
City lights pass us while we fill our nights full with laughter
And we dont capture the moment with allowing the world to know what we do
We just escape
Escape the thoughts and the assumptions of the world
Escape how we feel
Because in those nights we built
I hope you remember me with my smile up and my hair down
The way
I run and float in the clouds
Where I dont want to be found
Where I laugh out loud and dont care how my nose crinkle
Or how I eat beastly because the taste is just that damn good
And when you understood
Why I wanted to be free
All these years I just wanted to be me
And you only wanted to be you
Now I understand why the universe drew me to you
We beat the odds because we dont have to be together to prove that we are better for each other
Just two souls on a mission to oblivion
And we explain to each other why we want to live again
And again
Sincerely , Girl