To The Boy I Once Knew
It was your eyes
It was your face
It was how your face and eyes contorted
In such a way that conveyed compassion
But I was wrong
I read it but saw only what I wanted to see
I saw what I needed
I saw what I wanted
To have your face flush because of me
Then I craved it
But I didn’t think that it would lead to anything that would made me this sad
I didn’t think about what it would mean to kiss you
I didn’t think about what it would mean to hold you
I always forgot about the other girl you’d smile about
She always meant more
Which is why I shouldn’t have stayed when you chose her
I shouldn’t have loved you way that I did
I shouldn’t have thought of you in the way that I did
But I couldn’t forget how those
Tiny puddles of blue
God, how they would bring me comfort even though it brought more pain
It hurt to see you with her
It hurt to hear you talk about her
It broke me when you told me about
How you loved her
That was why I had to say goodbye
The Girl You Once Knew