Borderline Bitter Year
Cool breezy autumns spent resting on park benches
Always observing others spent in conversation
Always distracted by the typical schoolyard "he said, she said"
Always exchanging giggles and secrets said in confidence
Always keeping those I'm meant to hold close at arms length
Always with company
Always alone
Harsh quiet winters spent around the warmth of others
Comfortably seated in a circle telling stories of what may be
Comfortably stealing glances from one that sits across from me
Comfortably hiding pieces of myself for friends to gradually fit together as our time together passes
Comfortably wondering if everyone does the same
Comfortably being uncomfortable in my own home
Sweet scented springs spent on a blanket that we share
Peacefully matching my breath to yours under the soft warm sun
Peacefully moving closer to the body that always makes me feel at home
Peacefully returning the smile you've given me, simply for being there with you
Peacefully lying next to the one who accepts me
Peacefully being at peace
Dry blazing summers spent melting within myself
Anxiously racing in out and between my thoughts
Anxiously going between tossing my phone away and checking it every waking second
Anxiously replaying, in my head, what once felt like a dream
Anxiously reliving a nightmare