This is a Body
This is a body.
This is a human body.
This was not sculpted,
and shaved
and shamed
in a fashion
This is a body.
This is one woman’s body.
This body has hair
to cool it down
and warm it up.
This body sweats
and carries aromas of earth
and hard scents of sun.
This body loves and sighs,
and breathes and cries
and fucks, and dies.
This is a body.
This is one woman’s body.
This body has stretch marks
across ashy curves
like forks of lightning.
This body has red eyes
from too little sleep
and jittery hands
from too much caffeine.
This body has road rash scars
like blurry kisses
from jagged pavement.
This is a body.
This is a human body
And this body is mine.