She walks a path,
Her own...
No guid before her
No shadows behind
Only clouds above her and ground below,
Feet dragging
Weighed down by an iron ball of worry, collapsed walls, and hurt.
Nothing has gone her way so far. All is lost and it is over.
The skies fall upon her, clouding her vision
Leaving her no light.
And then looking up from her cradle of sorrows into that deep blue sky she sees an ocean
She leaps into that deep blue to find that she does not sink,
She floats.
She floats on to new beliefs and higher heights
Setting sail on the winds before her
And the sea behind her
Only now the clouds and the missing ground do not frighten but excite her
As she soars through her being she realizes that all is not lost
She realizes just because the path isn't always clear doesn't mean it's the end of the road
And I realize... That she is me. And that if we stick to it, making it to the other side the darkness will fade.
Leaving us with only light.