Blossoming from Youth
An empty mind needs knowledge and guidance.
As my searching eyes finds love and kindness.
Baby girl starts to crawl, oh what joy.
First steps! Roaming eyes captures the sight.
Time to run. Can you catch me? I don't think so.
Time progress and now Pre-Kindergarten arrives.
No more diapers for this baby, or should I say lady.
It's big girl time, I wear undies. Make sure to follow the golden rule.
Be kind to everyone, my guardians always said.
In time, Kind ness will bless your head.
It came naturally.
Im truly walking in kindness, I say out loud.
From a baby, I didn't know much.
Now as a lady, I've learned how to love.
From diapers to undies, it was truly a journey.
Came school and students who all needed learning.
The golden rule of all rules was quite simple.
Treat others the way you wanted to be treated.