The Black & White Truth
Life for me is a constant picture day
Putting on a face
Smiling pretty for the eyes of everyone's camera
To sit up straight, arch my back, and put on a show
What happens when you take that away?
To wipe off the compact powder
Dab water on those dolled up eyes
Scrub away the false persona we all wear
Underneath it all, is me
A girl who overthinks every decision she makes
Who has difficulty putting one foot in front of the other
Someone who will always put her future first
Striding to excel in her education
Yet wanting to be accepted by her peers
To be seen has a normal teenage girl
Not the mini adult people expect of me
That I do enjoy having fun
That I do have the tendency to be silly and goofy
That I can take a joke
That I can, just like everyone, be even a little irresponsible
My appearance is not who I truly am
But we all know that, don't we?
Just because I smile for the camera
Does not mean I am the filter people use to describe me
When the show's over, my smile fades
When the lights go off, my façade is removed
And my life returns to what it should be
Just as simple as black and white.